LaGrange College identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to its mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The college has identified multiple measures for student achievement that are tracked in four primary categories:
- Academic Knowledge and Skills
- Academic Progress
- Student Experience with High-Impact Practices
- Post-College Success
Appropriate thresholds and goals have been set for each measure and are given below, along with a rationale for thresholds. In most cases, the goals come from the college’s current strategic plan. Goals that are program specific came from the program itself.
The college evaluates each measure on an annual basis and publishes the results on a student achievement website. Each category may be viewed by clicking on the appropriate link. The measures are representative of the nature of the students it serves, and the programs it offers. The types of students served include those in on-campus undergraduate and graduate programs, one fully online major program at the undergraduate level, one fully online major program at the graduate level, hybrid major programs in education at the graduate level (with mostly synchronous classes), and dual-enrollment students.
In addition to traditional undergraduate and graduate programs, LaGrange College offers two fully online major programs, which includes a Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN – BSN) and the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Graduate programs in education are offered in a hybrid format with most classes held synchronously.
- Academic Knowledge and Skills – The achievement of academic knowledge and skills, as seen below, helps the institution determine the level to which it measures its ability to “challenge the mind,” which is an important part of the institution’s mission.
- Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA ) (for all graduating seniors in online and on-campus programs):
The threshold will describe the goal set for LaGrange College students. In the table that follows, the first column contains the year of the graduating class. In the second column, the Performance Task Mean Score for LaGrange College seniors is given and in the final column, the threshold is given.
Threshold: To achieve or exceed the expected score on the CLA Performance Task.
CLA Goal: The target goal in the Strategic Plan is for a mean score in the “Above Expected” category, meaning a value-added z-score of z = 1 or higher.CLA Performance Task Results
Graduation Class Calendar Year Performance Task Mean Score for LaGrange College Seniors Expected Score for LaGrange College Seniors Value-Added Percentile 2020 1041 1057 z = - 0.30 2021 1089 1049 z = 0.76 2022 1104 1062 z = 0.80 2023 1083 1067 z = 0.30 Source: Collegiate Learning Assessment Results According to the CLA company, a CLA Performance Task presents a real-world situation in which an issue, problem, or conflict is identified. Students are asked to assume a relevant role to address the issue, suggest a solution, or recommend a course of action based on the information provided in the Document Library. Subscores of the Performance Task measure three important skills: analytical problem-solving, writing effectiveness, and writing mechanics.
The threshold is reasonable because it is based on CLA's hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). Approximately 72% of those institutions who participate in CLA are those whose highest degree is a master’s degree, which is also the highest degree that LaGrange College offers.
Over the past four time periods, the Performance Task Mean score, based on three-year averages, has ranged from a low of 1041 to a high of 1104. Therefore, LaGrange College senior mean scores have been consistent across the years. The threshold has been reached for the past three years, but the goal has not been reached for any of the four years. Over the past four years, the value-added score for the Performance Task has ranged from –0.3 to 0.8.
In order to help students improve in the important skills tested on the Performance Task, some departments and programs have created course-related assignments that cover those skills that are assessed on the Performance Task. Major program faculty are given subscore results for their graduating seniors so that weak and strong areas may be identified as related to other graduating seniors outside the program. Also, some programs have chosen to use the performance task subscores when assessing their student learning outcomes related to communication.
Licensure Tests:
The programs in Education (undergraduate and graduate students), Nursing (undergraduate students in on-campus and online programs), and Counseling (graduate students in on-campus and online programs) have licensure tests or National major-related tests, all of which are used to measure the academic achievement of students.
Nursing: Below, the threshold can be found that will describe the goal set for LaGrange College nursing students. In the table that follows, the first column gives the most recent four calendar years that will be used for the pass rates. In the second column, the pass rate for LaGrange College nursing seniors is given and in the final column, the threshold is given.
Nursing Threshold: NCLEX pass rates will be at or above the suggested Accreditation Commission Education for Nursing (ACEN) standard of 80%.
Nursing Goal: NCLEX pass rates will be at or above 90%.NCLEX Pass Rates for LC Nursing Graduates
Calendar Years Pass Rate, Three-year Average Threshold: National Pass Rate, Three-year Average 2018 - 2019 90% 80% 2019 - 2020 84% 80% 2020 - 2021 89% 80% 2021 - 2022 54% 80% 2022 - 2023 75% 80% Because this threshold is based on ACEN standards, it is a reasonable one.
LaGrange College’s pass rates, from 2017 – 2021, have ranged from a low of 54% to 90%, which means that LaGrange College nursing students have met the threshold indicated for three out of the past five years.
The program's faculty members will be provided with a comprehensive report from Mountain Measurement in November 2023, offering an in-depth analysis of students' performance across all areas of the latest NCLEX iteration. This upgraded report is tailored to align with the students' current NCLEX version and offers a substantially more detailed and insightful summary, which will equip faculty members with valuable insights, enabling them to pinpoint potential areas of weakness and concentrate their efforts accordingly. Furthermore, starting from the 2020-21 academic year, a cutting-edge Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) NCLEX preparation program has been implemented, offering valuable insights into student progress throughout the course. In instances where enhancements were warranted, students were expected to engage in targeted remediation assignments.
Education: Below, the threshold and goal can be found that will describe the targets set for LaGrange College education students. In the tables that follow each threshold and goal, the results of each are given by degree name, where EE = Elementary Education, MAT = Master of Arts in Teaching, EdS = Education Specialist, and MED = Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction.
Education Threshold 1: At least eighty percent of EE program completers will pass external state assessments (GACE).
Education Goal 1: The GACE mean of EE program completers will exceed the state mean.EE External Assessments – Pass Rates
Graduating Class Pass Rate (GACE I & II) Threshold for each state assessment Cohort Mean State Mean 2019 – 20
(n = 6)100% 80% 263 246 2020 – 2021
(n = 12)100% 80% 263 246 2021 – 2022
(n = 9)100% 80% 254 244 2022 – 2023
(n = 9)100% 80% 260 239
For the past four years, 100% of EE program completers passed the GACE exam and the cohort mean exceeded the state mean. Therefore, the threshold and goal were met. The education department proactively determines the students who will or will not be successful on the external content assessments by giving similar internal content diagnostics beforehand. For those students who are not successful on the first attempt at a diagnostic (70% or better), students are advised regarding areas for improvement and are successful on the second attempt. The reasonable threshold and goal were set by education faculty with the passing score being set by the state of Georgia. The results of these external state assessments are reviewed on an annual basis and if improvement is needed in any area, departmental faculty will act accordingly.
Education Threshold 2: At least eighty percent of MAT program completers will pass external state assessments (GACE).
Education Goal 2: For MAT program completers, the education goal is for 85% of candidates to pass the GACE at the professional level (score of 250 or better).MAT External Assessments – Pass Rates
Program Completers Threshold for each state assessment % Passing GACE % Passing at Professional Level 2020 – 21
(n = 11)80% 100% 76% 2021 – 22
(n = 10)80% 100% 63% 2022 – 23
(n = 11)80% 82% 41% For the past three years, the percentage of program completers passing the GACE ranged from 82–100%, which means that the threshold was met. For the MAT educational goal, the percentage passing at the professional level has not met the goal of 85% for the past three years. The reasonable threshold and goal were set by education faculty with the passing score being set by the state of Georgia. Note that program candidates are eligible to take the GACE prior to program entry. While this MAT pedagogy-only program is designed for candidates who have the foundational knowledge in their content areas, education faculty design methods courses for the various content areas to strengthen this knowledge base. When there are indications that candidates are struggling, faculty develop a Professional Development Plan to assist candidates with remediation. The results of these external state assessments are reviewed on an annual basis and if improvement is needed in any area, departmental faculty act accordingly.
Education Threshold 3 At least eighty percent of MED, EDS, and Educational Leadership TIER 1 program completers will pass all external state assessments.
Education Goal 3: The GACE mean of MED, EDS, and Educational Leadership TIER 1 program completers will exceed the state mean.MED External Assessments – Pass Rates
Pass Rate GACE Threshold Cohort Mean State Mean 2019 – 20
(n = 6)100% 80% 270 267 2020 – 21
(n = 8)100% 80% 270 267 2021 – 22
(n = 7)100% 80% 267 265 2022 – 23
(n = 7)100% 80% 261 266 MED pass rates for the GACE exam have been 100% for the past four years. Therefore, the threshold was met by MED students. In addition, the MED cohort’s average for three of the past four years has been at or above the state mean. Therefore, the goal was met for those three years. The education department proactively determines the students who will or will not be successful on the external assessments by giving similar internal key assessments beforehand. For those students who are not successful (70% or better) on the first attempt at a key assessment, students are advised regarding areas for improvement and are successful on the second attempt. The reasonable MED threshold and goal were set by education faculty with the passing score being set by the state of Georgia. The results of these external state assessments are reviewed on an annual basis and if improvement is needed in any area, departmental faculty act accordingly.
EDS External Assessments – Pass Rates
Graduating Class Pass Rate GACE Threshold Cohort Mean State Mean 2019 – 20
(n = 5)100% 80% 267 267 2020 – 21
(n = 11)100% 80% 261 267 2021 – 22
(n = 4)100% 80% 258 265 2022 – 23
(n = 4)70% 80% 257 266 For the EDS GACE exam, the cohort pass rates have been 100% for three of the past four years and 70% for one year. Therefore, this threshold was met by EDS students for three of the past four years. The EDS cohort’s average for three of the past four years has been below the state mean. Therefore, the goal has been met for one of the past four years. The education department proactively determines the students who will or will not be successful on the external assessments by giving similar internal assessments beforehand. For those students who are not successful (70% or better) on the first attempt at a key assessment, students are advised regarding areas for improvement and are successful on the second attempt. The reasonable EDS threshold and goal were set by education faculty with the passing score being set by the state of Georgia. The results of these external state assessments are reviewed on an annual basis and if improvement is needed in any area, departmental faculty act accordingly.
Educational Leadership TIER 1 – Pass Rates
Completing Class Pass Rate GACE Threshold Cohort Mean State Mean 2019 - 20
(n = 13)100% 80% 267 261 2020 - 21
(n = 6)83% 80% 259 263 2021 – 22
(n = 4)75% 80% 265 263 2022 – 23
(n = 4)100% 80% 264 268 For the Educational Leadership TIER 1 GACE assessment, the cohort pass rates have ranged from 75% to 100% for the past four years. Therefore, this threshold was met by three of the past four cohorts of Tier 1 students. The TIER 1 cohort’s mean for three of the past four years has been below the state mean. Therefore, the goal has been met for one of the past four years. The education department proactively determines the students who will or will not be successful on the external assessments by giving similar internal key assessments beforehand. For those students who are not successful (70% or better) on the first attempt at a key assessment, students are advised regarding areas for improvement and are successful on the second attempt. This new program has only had four groups of completers thus far. This reasonable TIER 1 threshold and goal were set by education faculty with the passing score being set by the state of Georgia. The results of these external state assessments are reviewed on an annual basis and if improvement is needed in any area, departmental faculty act accordingly.
Counseling: Below, the threshold can be found that will describe the goal set for LaGrange College counseling students taking the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE). In the table that follows, each year’s results are given. The third column gives the threshold for the attempt.
Counseling Threshold: Eighty percent of students taking the (CPCE) will pass on the first attempt.
Counseling Goal: 100% of students taking the CPCE will pass on the first attempt.Counseling Graduates CPCE Results
Testing Year Passing Rate Threshold for 1st Attempt 2020 (n = 10) 90% 80% 2021 (n = 9) 100% 80% 2022 (n = 10) 100% 90% 2023 (n = 6) 86% 80% During the final semester of enrollment in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program, students are required to take the CPCE, which is a standardized exam distributed by the Center for Credentialing and Education. The CPCE has 8 sections based on the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) foundational areas. Those areas are broken down by score. The CMHC program assesses each area as part of the program evaluation process.
The passing rate has ranged from 86% to 100% over the past four years, so the threshold has been met each year. For two of the past four years, the goal has been met as well.
The threshold is reasonable because it is based on CACREP standards. A student who is unable to pass the CPCE for a second time will be required to do a comprehensive portfolio that includes required documents decided upon by program faculty. The students’ attempts will be read and evaluated by a minimum of three college faculty members using a rubric as a guide. Students must receive a passing evaluation by at least two of the three faculty members to be approved for graduation.
- Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA ) (for all graduating seniors in online and on-campus programs):
The achievement of academic progress, as seen below, is important to LaGrange College. As stated in the mission statement, the College “prepares students to become successful, responsible citizens who aspire to lives of integrity and moral courage.” Therefore, the goal is for all undergraduate students to persist from year to year and to graduate within six years. The goal for all graduate students is to make satisfactory progress towards graduation.
Six-year Undergraduate Graduation Rate - using National Clearinghouse (NCH) graduation rates:
Below, the threshold can be found that will describe the goal set for LaGrange College students. In the table that follows, the first column contains three calendar years that correspond to the fall cohorts (first-time, full-time) for those years. In the second column, the average NCH graduation rate for the three cohort years is given and in the final column, the threshold is given.
Threshold: To equal or exceed the 2009 six-year graduation rate of the peer group of institutions.
Strategic Goal: To equal or exceed a six-year graduation rate of 70%.Six-Year Graduation Rate
Cohort Years LaGrange College NCH 6-year Graduation Rate Threshold: Peer Group NCH 6-year Graduation Rate 2011 - 2013 69% 60% 2012 - 2014 67% 60% 2013 - 2015 66% 60% 2014 - 2016 69% 60% 2015 - 2017 68% 60% Source: National Clearinghouse and SACSCOC Research Data The threshold is reasonable because the peer group used in the comparison is a comprehensive group to which LaGrange College belongs. According to SACSCOC research, the National Clearinghouse six-year graduation rate for the 2009 LaGrange College Cohort’s peer comparison group, made up of other independent colleges in Georgia, had a six-year graduation rate of 60.1%. Using NCH’s Degree Verify service, the three-year mean six-year rates for LaGrange College for 2011 – 2017 can be seen in the chart above.
Over the past four years, the LaGrange College three-year mean 6-year graduation rate has ranged from a low of 66% to a high of 69%. All of these are higher than the peer group’s 2009 six-year rate of 60%. Therefore, the threshold has been met. However, the Strategic Plan’s Strong Performance of 70% has not been reached during any of the three-year periods.
To help improve graduation rates and retention rates from LaGrange College, the College has adopted several strategies, which include items such as the following:
- Panther Academic Center for Excellence (PACE) – The Panther Academic Center for Excellence (PACE) is dedicated to supporting the mission of LaGrange College by offering to all enrolled students collaborative, academic support services aimed at promoting academic success, student retention and degree completion. PACE seeks to empower students using transformational strategies that enhance learning and strengthen academic persistence. Services offered by PACE include academic coaching, accessibility services, supplemental instruction, and testing services.
- J1 Retention System – This system is designed to help alert appropriate individuals at the College when students demonstrate a need for intervention. The intervention needed depends on the type of data that gets entered into the system (academic, behavior, etc.).
- Advising Dean System – Two advising deans serve the undergraduate body as secondary advisors. While not replacing their faculty advisors, advising deans triage concerns that students express, directing them to appropriate campus resources; serve as academic coaches to students who may need additional help; advocate for students as needed; and serve as a neutral sounding board for students who may approach them with a variety of concerns. In this capacity, advising deans get to know students well, working repeatedly with students over the course of their undergraduate careers at the institution. This consistent interaction with a single individual, coupled with the longevity of the relationships, aids in creating trust and development of a true mentoring relationship between advising deans and students.
- First-Year Experience (FYE) – All freshmen take a two-semester sequence of Ethos Seminar courses, Ethos 1101 and 1102. These courses are designed to help students manage the complex personal, professional, and academic aspects of becoming responsible for their own college education.
- New Pedagogical Teaching Methods – New teaching methods are being conducted for freshmen-level mathematics, English, and biology courses. Methods such as supplemental instruction, flipped classes, and co-requisite courses are a few examples.
Undergraduate Retention Rates:
Below, the threshold can be found that will describe the goal set for LaGrange College students. In the table that follows, the first column contains three calendar years that correspond to the fall cohorts (first-time, first-year, full-time) for those years. In the second column, the average retention rate for the three cohort years is given and in the final column, the threshold is given.
Threshold: To equal to or exceed the retention rate of the peer group of institutions.
Strategic Goal: The target goal in the Strategic Plan is for a retention rate of 72% by 2028.LaGrange College First-Year Retention Rate
Cohort Years LaGrange College Three-year Average Threshold: Peer Group Three-year Average 2016 - 2018 65% 62% 2017 - 2019 63% 63% 2018 - 2020 63% 64% 2019 - 2021 60% Not Yet Available Source: IPEDS Data Center The threshold is reasonable because the group used in the comparison is the college’s Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS) peer group. This group contains private institutions in the southeast with a similar mission, enrollment size, and religious affiliation.
Over the past four years, the LaGrange College mean retention rate has had a three-year average from a low of 63% to a high of 65%. For the peer group three-year averages that are available, the LaGrange College rate is equal to or exceeds that of the peer group for one of the years and is one percentage point below the peer group mean for the other two. Therefore, the threshold has been met for one of those years.
In order to help with graduation rates and retention rates from LaGrange College, the College has adopted several strategies. These initiatives are described above in the section on graduation rates and include PACE, the J1 Retention System, the Advising Dean system, First-Year Experience, and new pedagogical teaching methods.
Graduate Program Satisfactory Grade Progress Rate: Below, the threshold can be found that will describe the goal set for LaGrange College graduate students. In the table that follows, the first column contains five calendar years. Because many cohorts begin in the summer, the academic year given is from summer through spring. In the second through third columns, the percent of “B or higher” grades are given for each program. In the final column, the threshold is given.
Threshold: Each academic year, 80% of earned grades in each program will be a B or higher.
Strategic Plan Goal: Each academic year, 95% of earned grades in each program will be a B or higher.Satisfactory Progress for LC Graduate Programs
Academic Year (Summer-Spring) Counseling Education Threshold 2017 - 18 97.9% 95.2% 80.0% 2018 - 19 97.5% 94.7% 80.0% 2019 - 20 97.1% 89.6% 80.0% 2020 - 21 96.0% 91.3% 80.0% 2022 - 23 97.3% 94.7% 80.0% Source: IPEDS Data Center The threshold has been met over the past five academic years. The threshold is reasonable because of the academic requirement for graduation. A graduate student must have at least 3.0 in order to graduate, which is equivalent to a B or higher letter grade. The goal has been met by the Counseling program for all five years and has been met for one of the years by the Education program.
The grade distribution will be reviewed on an annual basis and if improvement is needed in any area, departmental faculty will act accordingly.
Below, two thresholds can be found that will describe the goals set for LaGrange College graduating senior students. In the tables that follow, the first column corresponds to the calendar year of the graduating class. In the second column, the rate for LaGrange College seniors is given and in the third through fifth columns, peer comparison rates are given upon which the threshold is set. For official definitions of the particular High Impact Practices, go to
The threshold set for each item below is reasonable because it represents the rates from well thought out peer groups. Two of the peer comparison groups are ones to which LaGrange College belongs and includes Southeast Private and Methodist institutions. The third comparison group is one that includes our biggest competitors in terms of admission. This third group includes Surrounding Public institutions in Georgia or in surrounding states
Rate of Participation in at Least Two HIPS (comparative):
Threshold: To equal or exceed the rate of peer institutions for “participation in at least two High Impact Practices.” High Impact Practices include Community Service, Internship or Field Experience, Study Abroad, Learning Community, Research with a Faculty Member, and Culminating Senior Experience.
Strategic Plan Goal: 100%Participation Rate in at Least Two HIPs
Graduating Class Calendar Year LaGrange College Participation Rate Southeast Private Participation Rate Methodist College Participation Rate Surrounding Public Participation Rate 2019 81% 63% 81% 61% 2020 82% 62% 77% 59% 2021 78% 70% 77% 57% 2022 86% 62% 72% 54% 2023 95% 64% 74% 53% Source: NSSE Data For all the years shown above, the participation rates for LaGrange College seniors have always been comparable or have exceeded the rate of the peer comparison groups. It should also be noted that the rate for LaGrange College seniors has been significantly above at least one peer comparison groups for all the years shown. Therefore, the threshold set has been met. The goal has not been met at this point.
As a part of the strategic plan of the college, HIP opportunities are being identified in the Ethos (general education) curriculum. HIP tracking in the new student database is being set up in order to identify courses containing HIPs. The new database can also be used to identify the number of HIPs experienced by each student.
More will be said about initiatives designed to increase this rate of participation and to enhance the quality of the HIPs below in part b.
Rate of Participation in Three Specific HIPS (comparative):
Threshold: To equal or exceed the rate of peer institutions for three High Impact Practice (HIP) Areas – Service Learning, Internship/Field Experience, and Study Abroad. The participation rate reflects those who have completed or experienced the HIP.
Strategic Goal for Service Learning: 90%
Strategic Goal for Internship: 75%
Strategic Goal for Study Abroad: 70%Service Learning
Graduating Class Calendar Year LaGrange College Service Learning Participation Rate Southeast Private Service Learning Participation Rate Methodist College Service Learning Participation Rate Surrounding Public Service Learning Participation Rate 2019 86% 67% 68% 60% 2020 83% 65% 63% 59% 2021 73% 67% 67% 58% 2022 74% 65% 58% 57% 2023 95% 65% 62% 57% Source: NSSE Data For all the years shown above, the participation rates for LaGrange College seniors have been comparable or significantly above all peer comparison groups. Therefore, the threshold set has been met.
It should be noted that this question on NSSE centers around Service Learning in courses. LaGrange College is dedicated to continuing the high participation rates in Service Learning by continuing to offer courses where service is a key component. In addition to service learning in courses, the College also provides opportunities for students to serve outside the classroom. Examples would include Service Saturdays and service opportunities offered through Greek Life as well as by Non-Greek Student Organizations.
Internship/Field Experience
Graduating Class Calendar Year LaGrange College Internship/Field Experience Participation Rate Southeast Private Internship/Field Experience Participation Rate Methodist College Internship/Field Experience Participation Rate Surrounding Public Internship/Field Experience Participation Rate 2019 69% 50% 66% 51% 2020 68% 50% 64% 48% 2021 65% 55% 60% 46% 2022 67% 50% 62% 44% 2023 61% 53% 64% 45% Source: NSSE Data For all the years shown above, the participation rates for LaGrange College seniors have been comparable or significantly above all peer comparison groups. Therefore, the threshold set has been met.
As a part of the strategic plan initiatives, the LaGrange College Center for Leadership and Career Development is proactive in identifying potential internship partner organizations. Students are informed of internship opportunities through a variety of means, such as social media channels, an online newsletter, and in-class visits. As a result, interns have worked in a variety of areas, for agencies such as Kia Motors, Twin Cedars Youth & Family Services, JK Boatwright Co, Eagles Nest Inc, Golf Club of Amelia Island, Emory Sports Medicine Center, Hillside Montessori, as well as local physical therapy clinics and animal clinics.
In addition, an Internship Review Committee was formed to review the current internship process, develop an automated workflow for internship approval, and finalize the new updated Internship Manual.
Study Abroad
Calendar Year LaGrange College Study Abroad Participation Rate Southeast Private Study Abroad Participation Rate Methodist College Study Abroad Participation Rate Surrounding Public Study Abroad Participation Rate 2019 39% 20% 26% 14% 2020 46% 19% 29% 15% 2021 32% 20% 21% 13% 2022 5% 12% 18% 8% 2022 0% 12% 16% 9% Source: NSSE Data For three of the past five years, the participation rate for LaGrange College seniors has been significantly above all peer comparison groups. Therefore, the threshold set has been met for those years.
Due to COVID-19, the college experienced a lull in group-led study abroad opportunities but did continue to assist students who wanted to explore individual study abroad opportunities. The Coordinator of Global Engagement supports students who wish to explore these options and to assist in seeking financial support for each student. For example, in summer of 2022, a student who is interested in becoming a veterinarian, had an internship opportunity in Thailand, assisting veterinarians with various clinical tasks while also working with animals. She was able to learn key skills alongside students from various places across the world.
LaGrange College strives to increase study away participation by expanding efforts to diversify study abroad opportunities to create greater interest and inclusivity for all students. As an example, for the faculty-led program, a new model of embedding study away within semester courses is currently being offered. This model will allow the college to provide programs at a lower cost helping more students to realize their ability to study away. COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) opportunities are also being discussed with our exchange partners as a way to expand student/faculty exchanges and create another inexpensive way for students to connect and engage with other cultures. To help students afford to study abroad, the new need-based Smith Travel Grant of up to $2000 is being awarded to qualifying students who wish to study away. Several faculty-led study abroad opportunities are being planned for 2024 to locations such as Greece, Ireland, New York City, England, and Scotland. The Coordinator of Global Engagement is also available to assist faculty and students who wish to explore other group or individual study abroad opportunities.
- As indicated in the mission statement, LaGrange College believes in “preparing students to become successful . . . citizens . . .” If a graduate is actively seeking employment or applying to graduate school, then that preparation should result in employment or in the ability for the graduate to continue their education.
The thresholds set below are reasonable because the peer group used in the comparison is a comprehensive group to which LaGrange College belongs. The peer group used is Private Baccalaureate Institutions who participated in the First Destinations Survey conducted by the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE). The information below gives the most recent data for which peer group information is known.
Job placement rates (for undergraduate students).
Threshold: To equal or exceed the full-time employment rate of peer institutions within six months of graduation.
Strategic Plan Goal: 75%In the table below, the first column represents the year for each graduating class, the second and third columns give the percent of each class that were employed full-time (second column) and the percent of each class that were employed full-time or part-time (third column). Column four gives the threshold for this metric.
Job Placement Rates
Graduating Class Percent of Class Employed Full-Time Percent of Class Employed Full-Time or Part-time Threshold of Peer Group for the Percent of Class Employed Full-Time 2018 63% 66% 59% 2019 64% 66% 59% *2020 -- -- 55% 2021 67% 74% 58% 2022 66% 69% 60% 2023 63% 72% Not Yet Available Source: Career Center Data and NACE Survey
* Due to Covid, there was no graduation ceremony and no graduation survey was administered.Over the past six years, the percentage of LaGrange College’s graduating class with full-time employment ranged from a low of 63% to a high of 67%. The percentages all years for which we have data, the LC percentage exceeded the peer group’s rate of 55% - 60%. Therefore, this threshold has been met for all the years for which data is available. The goal has not yet been reached.
During the 2022-2023 Academic Year, the Center for Leadership and Career Development attended several networking events in efforts to broaden partnerships with local businesses and organizations. This also included reestablishing active participation with the Troup County Chamber of Commerce. The CLCD also implemented a Social Media Strategy to inform students of current job opportunities.
During the 2022-2023 Academic year the CLCD continued using electronic job boards advertising employment opportunities to current students and alumni.
Graduate school rates (for undergraduate students)
Threshold: The percentage of each graduating class who are pursuing graduate school to be equal or exceed the continuing education rate of peer institutions within six months of graduation.
Strategic Plan Goal: 25%In the table below, the first column represents the year for each graduating class and the second column gives the percentage of each class that were pursuing graduate school. Column three gives the threshold for this metric.
Graduate School Rates
Graduating Class Percent of Class Pursuing Graduate School Threshold of Peer Group 2018 18% 20% 2019 24% 19% *2020 -- 23% 2021 15% 23% 2022 12% 22% 2023 22% Not Yet Available Source: Career Center Data and NACE Survey
* Due to Covid, there was no graduation ceremony and no graduation survey was administered.Over the past six years, the LaGrange College percentage of each class pursuing graduate school rate has ranged from a low of 12% to a high of 24%. For one of the past six years, the percentage of the class pursuing graduate school has been equal to or higher than the peer group rates of 19% - 23%. Therefore, the threshold was met for the remainder of those years for which data was available. The goal has not yet been reached.
In efforts to assist students in planning for their educational future after graduating from LaGrange College, The Center for Leadership and Career Development hosted a Graduate School Fair on campus during the 2022-2023 school year. There were approximately 14 colleges from across Georgia and Alabama that attended this event to showcase their programs to our students. It was recorded that at least 70 students were able to take part in the Grad Fair.
As can be seen above, LaGrange College identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to its mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. Multiple measures with appropriate thresholds have been set for each measure in the areas of (1) Academic Knowledge and Skills, (2) Academic Progress, (3) Student Experience with High-Impact Practices, and (4) Post-College Success.